Wednesday, 29 May 2013

Books for boys - graphic novels.

 There was a time when teachers frowned on reading comic books. They were considered the junk food of literacy - too much would rot your brain. But comics were books that children wanted to read, that they saved their own pocket money to buy, and often were treasured possessions. Most importantly, the illustrations allowed children, especially boys to connect with the stories at a different level. I know when I read I visualise everything - it as if I can see each scene in my mind, but many children, especially boys can not do this. I have found my own sons enjoy made up stories far more if I really describe each scene to them. As they grow older, most will develop the ability to visualise the story more, but comics and graphic novels provide a bridge, a means to keep children reading while the ability to picture a story in the minds eye develops.  I think all children enjoy picture books when they are younger, but sadly many boys stop reading when they outgrow picture books. Graphic novels and comics can counter this trend.

Unfortunately - graphic novels and comic books for young boys can be difficult to find, especially if they are not into super heroes. These are a few good ones we have come across:

1. SilverFin: The Graphic Novel - Charlie Higson  *****
This is the single best graphic novel for boys I have seen. Something terrible is going on at Lake Silverfin, behind the heavily guarded fences. An unimaginable terror lurks as a crazed arms salesman and a mad scientist team up to create an aberration of nature. When a young boy sneaks under the fences for a chance to fish in this secret lake, an chain of events is set off which include Bond, and deeply affect the man he will become. 

This book has outstanding illustratins to match a brilliant storyline. Having read both the original YA novel and the graphic novel, I can say that nothing has been lost in the transfer to a different format. My son read both books as well at age 6 and these were the books that drove him on to improve his reading ability, which skyrocketed when he discovered Charlie Higsons books.

Please see my complete review @

2. Alex Rider by Anthony Horowitz *****
There are 4 books in this series, all featuring a reluctant teenage spy - Alex Rider.
I'll use my son's opinion on the books rather than my own, but I did like these as well. My son received this book shortly before turning 7. When he first started reading I noticed him walking in the hallway book in front of him, reading as he walked. I asked his opinion and received "Mmmgghb" in reply. I will take this a compliment on the book - he was not willing to interrupt his reading to reply. He proceeded to the loo and came out a few minutes later, book still in hand, returned to his room and was not seen again until the book was finished.

After the book was complete, I was able to get a more detailed reply from him. He does still like James Bond the best of all, but this book comes in a very close second. Considering just how much he loves James Bond - that is very high praise indeed. He read the following books immediately afterwards and had to wait for the 4th. I was quite impressed that any time for the next several months you could ask him how long until the next Alex Rider book was out and he could always give an accurate answer.

 My son especially loved the fight scenes in this book - the very part I found to unrealistic - as well as all the gadgets. He also especially liked the parts where Alex shows off his skill in martial arts, as my son is involved in karate as well. I do think my son ( only an orange belt now) hopes he will be capable of such moves by the time he reaches black belt as Alex has, but they are a bit like "Kill Bill" if you ask me. I think these are features that will appeal to most boys. The books have plenty of action and excitement and is ideal for boys who may get bored easily with a slower moving story.

I have reviewed the books individually here:

3. Cherub the Recruit Graphic Novel - Robert Muchamore  ****
The Cherub books are apt to appeal to many of the same readers as Alex Rider. Both have the premise of children being used by MI6 as undercover agents, but while Alex Rider is the only child agent, CHERUB has a whole school of misfit children gathered from care homes and trained as spies - although in many cases I feel they work more as undercover police agents than espionage agents. This does stretch the limits of credibility even more - to imagine an entire industry devoted to training juvenile agents, but it also gives the books a completely different scope. They deal with friendships, relationships and the trials and tribulations of growing up. They also tackle complex ethical and moral issues in what I consider a very positive manner, but some of this is lost in this adaptation. This becomes more of a simple spy book, packed with action and adventure, but lacking some of the philosophical elements

My son really enjoyed this book, and he asked if we could buy book 2 in this series ( so far there isn't one). The fights and karate especially appealed to him, but he thought all the training exercises looked great fun. One illustration shows a very dangerous looking training exercise for heights which he thought looked brilliant, running along a narrow walkway with no hand rails thirty feet off the ground and leaping over gaps. I am sure every child who has ever read these books wished there really was a school like CHERUB so there is a bit of vicarious excitement in this book. This book does have quite the character or story development of the original, but it is a fun book and ideally sited to keep younger boys interested. I can not see adults really wanting to read this book though, and I don't think it will engage teenagers in the way the original series did. I would recommend this book for ages 7- 11. Sadly, the illustrations are not of the same quality as the writing, meaning I could only give this book 4 stars.

4. Artemis Fowl: The Graphic Novel - Eoin Colfer  ****
My son enjoyed this, but he prefers books without magic. Still it is a well written, fast paced book with very good illustrations as well.

5. The Hitchhiker (EDGE - Horowitz Graphic Horror) *****
Terribly short, but well written with a brilliant twist and just the thing to entice reluctant readers.

If you are looking for Superhero graphic novels these are a few of our favourites. All of these are suitable for younger readers, but the first three are more mature, while the following three could suit a child as young as 4 if a parent will be reading them:
1. Superman/Batman: Search for Kryptonite - Michael Green  ******

2. Green Lantern: Secret Origin - Geoff Johns *****

3. Superman: Earth One - J. Michael Straczynski *****

4. Batman: Brave and the Bold: Emerald Knight- Landry Q. Walker *****

5. Batman: The Brave and the Bold - Matt Wayne

6. Marvel Universe Avengers: Earth's Mightiest Heroes - Marvel Comics

Finally - don't forget the classics:

1. Classics Illustrated: The War of the Worlds- H. G. Wells *****

2.Time Machine, The (Classics) *****

3. The Swiss Family Robinson (Classics)

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